Your well-being is worth every moment, and we're here to make every moment count.

Concierge Primary Care

Adult (26+) Annual Membership $3000

Young Adult (18-25) Annual Membership $2500

Young Adult (18-25 w. Parent Enrollment) Membership $2000.00

When you enroll, you're not just gaining a doctor; you're gaining a dedicated advocate for your health journey. Enrolling in Concierge Medicine means having a healthcare team that is readily available and accessible when you need us. It means having peace of mind knowing that you're taken care of, that your concerns matter, and that we are here to guide you towards your best health.

Join us in this personalized healthcare journey. Together, let's create a path to a healthier, happier you.

  • Personalized Attention

  • Accessible Communication

  • Extended Appointments

  • Preventive Wellness

  • Dedicated Advocate

  • Holistic Care

  • Convenience and Flexibility

  • Coordinated Care

  • Peace of Mind

Members Enjoy:

Women Are Different,

Our Healthcare Should Be Too!

A woman's life is a beautiful tapestry woven with the thread of changing hormones. These hormones are like silent conductors, influencing how you feel, think, and experience life—from the blossoming of youth, the wonder of creating life, to the wisdom of age.

However, in the world of healthcare, this incredible hormonal journey often gets overlooked. The care available is like a generic outfit, not quite fitting your unique contours. It's time for a change.

Every woman deserves a healthcare experience that understands and celebrates her uniqueness. It's about embracing a journey where you're the co-pilot, understanding your body, and advocating for the care you deserve.

Let's stand together and embrace a healthcare that resonates with the rythms of your life. You are powerful, and your health should reflect that. It's time to embrace a new era of healthcare designed just for you.

Concierge Women’s Health

The transition in women’s lives are unique and require personalized attention. With a Women’s Health Membership you will partner with Dr. Fiffick in a comprehensive journey to understand your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing in relation to perimenopause and menopause. We will empower you with knowledge and resources to embrace this transformation with grace and confidence. Together well ensure vitality and a quality of life that celebrates your resilience!

A Women’s Health Membership encompasses:

  • Annual Pelvic Exam & PAP

  • Annual Breast Exam

  • Breast Cancer Risk Assessment + Genetic testing if indicated

  • Bone Health

  • Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

  • Symptom Management for Perimenopause and Menopause

  • Urogenital Health

  • Sexual Health

  • Personalized Care Plan

  • Hormone Prescription Management (where appropriate)

Annual Women’s Health Membership $1750

Specialty Care Consult

A one-time visit at $375, designed to provide you with expert advice and guidance. It's a chance to address your pressing health needs, gain insights from a specialist, or find the clarity you seek regarding your healthcare concerns.

This visit is available to all members of our community, even if you're not looking to become a member of our practice. Your health matters, and we're committed to ensuring you have access to the care you need, precisely when you need it.